Rollers & Rosé Party

Rollers & Rosé Party

HAPPY MONDAY! Last week felt like the longest shortest week ever. My body clock is messed UP. However, looking forward to keeping it low-key for the next couple weeks - hopefully lots of time out in the sunshine, more popsicles than I care to share, and of course, children who pass out SO fast at night - because that is the single greatest blessing of summer time. 

We hosted a Rollers & Rose essential oils party last week and I wanted to share a few details with you guys because it was SO FUN! We had a few bottles of wine, some finger foods (have you guys had the salted caramels at Costco?!! Put them in the fridge and you shall then D.I.E.)

We made three rollers at the event: Summer Sleep, Summer Itch, and Summer Citrus. I'll include the "recipes" below so you can make them yourself if you're so inclined!

SUMMER SLEEP: 5 drops each / frankincense / lavender / orange 


SUMMER ITCH: 5 drops each / purification / peppermint / lavender (perfect for bug bites or dry summer skin)


SUMMER CITRUS: 5 drops each / lime / orange / lemon

If you don't have oils and totally have FOMO (which I totally did before I used oils!), let me know and I can get you set up. I share more info here - why we use oils, how to get your own starter kit and also, why we're totally obsessed. We use oils for everything; from boosting our immune systems and supporting our bodies with hormones and thyroid function and moods, all the way to replacing candles in our home, cleaning from head to toe (again, without those scary chemicals) and even down to our shampoo and make-up. Obsessed. I share lots of oily tips and all about our lifestyle over on instagram at @thismagicmama as well! 


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