Notes to Norah - 9 Months

Notes to Norah - 9 Months



HOLY goodness I didn't think it could get any better. Turns out, your personality shining through is just about the greatest thing ever. Here's the thing: you're funny but calm, you're sensitive but SO tough and the way your eyes just LIGHT UP when you see someone walk in a room is terribly sweet. 

9 months has been HUGE for you. You're walking all around the furniture, crawling at lightening speeds and you've finally discovered the stairs. Your favorite toy (literally) is essential oil bottles (haha!) and you really enjoy pushing your walker around versus walking in the actual walker :) Your favorite pastime is throwing toys off the balcony and if we tell you no, your world basically crumbles. :) 

You are easily #hangry and only enjoy food when you're feeding yourself. Basically, you need a bath after every meal. Your sleep could use a little work but I'm ok with that. You're warm and snuggly in the midnight hours and you always treat me with a huge smile before I pick you up. 

Baylor & Bellamy are loving that you're a bit less fragile and they think helping you walk around is the coolest thing ever. They've managed to help you break out of your crib a couple times, which is not cool but they were extremely PROUD of their "TEAMWORK!!" Winnie loves to share her blanket with you but makes it very known that her Peppa Pigs are NOT for the taking. I absolutely love watching these relationships form and as a mother, my ultimate goal is to foster those relationships into deep friendships that pass through time & life. 

We love you more than all the stars in the sky and can't wait to watch you discover new & exciting things! 

Love, mama. 





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