Notes to Norah - 5 Months

Notes to Norah - 5 Months

Dearest Norah - 

It's almost unfathomable to think you're 5 months. You still are my tiny newborn and it doesn't feel real that you can finally do things like roll over, army crawl or sit up in a high chair. I haven't tried to feed you solids yet, likely because that would really solidify the fact that you're less of a newborn and more of a baby


​The last month with you has been nothing short of sweet. We spent your first Thanksgiving with family, watched the parade and decorated for Christmas. You spent many afternoons looking up at the Christmas tree lights twinkling above you, mesmerized by the magic, very much like we were. You sat on Santa's lap, which you handled like a champ (no surprise there) and Bellamy even advocated for you - letting Santa know that you'd like a new toy giraffe that sings. Turns out you could care less about the toy giraffe but are totally obsessed with the grocery store teether shaped like broccoli. Duly noted. You roll, plank, laugh & army crawl... all which make us so very proud.

Baylor is beyond obsessed with you and can hardly handle how cute & "big!" you've gotten. He calls you "my girl" and is the BEST at making you laugh. I can't wait to watch the bond between you two grow, I know you'll admire him forever. Bellamy is sure to introduce you to everyone: strangers, the barista at Starbucks (who has met you 150 times), and even aunties & uncles who definitely know who you are. She's quite proud of you. She even said yesterday: "I can't look away from Norah - I just keep staring because she's SO cute!!" ... cue the heart explosions. Winnie loves you but does not love that you can roll over and get her toys. Peppa Pig is a hot commodity. 

We love you more each day, your milestones have become our magic and I know, without a shadow of a doubt that you are cherished & adored deeply.  


 Love, Mama (please say my name already!) 


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