Master Bedroom Inspiration

Master Bedroom Inspiration

Happy Monday! Hope you had a good weekend recovering from what might be the worst week of the entire year - the week where reality sets back in after blissful holidays. 

Collin and I finally decided to upgrade to a King size bed a few weeks ago, mostly due to the fact that all the kids want to come in and snuggle in the mornings and it never fails to end with kicks to the face, someone falling off the bed or a blanket going rogue. While we had our hesitations about switching and loved our queen size bed just fine, we both LOVE the extra room. 

We bought a new bed frame, and naturally, that meant I had to re-do the entire bedroom. (that's the excuse I'm going with, so just run with me, k?) Here's a little bit of what I'm thinking: 

The walls are currently a dark gray and we're having a painter come in and do everything white next week. The room is due for a fresh coat and because the bed is SO big & dark, we needed balance. My goal is to have a glitzy hotel look, but keep it cozy.


I can't wait to show you guys the finished product, as soon as we're all done! Keep your eye out on my Insta-stories for little updates!!

Images via pinterest

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