Notes to Norah - 2 Months

Notes to Norah - 2 Months


Norah -

You're two months old now, and I'm not sure how many times I've knocked on wood. You are the most relaxed baby ever. You cry no more than 10-15 throughout the entire day, you tolerate being man-handled by your siblings with total grace (and occasionally even oblige them with a smile) and you make us all melty with your little tiny noises. You fit perfectly in the space between my neck and my shoulder, where I can smell your baby soft hair and kiss your doughy cheeks excessively.

I have a hard time thinking back to what life was like before we had you. Just last week, we drove to Nana's house and I glanced in my rearview mirror to see you soundly asleep while the other kids watched the trees pass outside. I dreamt of these moments, the ones where you flawlessly fit into our little family, like you've always been here.

You're starting to smile at us, and Baylor perfectly expressed how it makes us all feel: "tears, but not cause I'm sad... tears cause it make me Happy sad, Mom!". Your brother had tears of joy at your first smile (my mama heart can barely handle this). Just today, while I was folding laundry, you were laying on the floor with Baylor when I heard him ask  "Will you be my besets friend forever, Nowah?" Safe to say you're winning more hearts than just mine ;) 

We love you and your crazy hair, your gummy smile and of course those dreamy blue eyes that will surely keep us all wrapped around that little finger for forever. Thank you for giving us the best two months. 

Love, Mama


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