Notes to Norah - 1 Month

Notes to Norah - 1 Month

Dear Norah...

You are one month old and it's almost too much to believe. We waited so patiently for you, you were often our topic of choice over dinner and we'd share lots of hopes & dreams about you during bedtimes. You're finally here, and its sweeter than we could have imagined. You're loved more than you could ever know and your siblings think you hang the moon (mom & dad do too)! 

We love watching you sleep, but the most exciting part of our day (especially Winnie's) is when you open your eyes. The kids all shout ("she opening hers eyes!") and they ooh and ahh over those baby blues. Baylor often asks when you'll be able to talk and Winnie begs for you in her crib every night ... "baby noyah 'nuggle!!" We love to give you baths and watch you doze off to lavender-induced dreams. 

I love those quiet hours in the middle of the night, just you & me, where we make gentle eye contact and absorb every fragile moment without distraction. I never want to forget your newborn smell, your delicate fingers, or those tiny noises that act as a quiet reminder of need. I live for those moments of peace, for they are where God seems to linger, a not so quiet reminder of his faithfulness, a reminder of how much I need him. 

While we are excited for you to grow big, to laugh and babble with us, we're soaking in the moments of newness, the novelty of your presence and the way life has slowed down since you've arrived. You make us so much better, and we can't imagine the days without you. 

Love, Mama

weight: #momfail  - couldn't get in for wellness visit until Sept! but growing for sure ;)

size clothes: some newborn, some 0-3

schedule: bedtime around 8:30, up at midnight to eat, sleeps again until 4, eats until about 4:30 and then sleeps until 7:30. Daytime is still all over the board!

current favs: you love to nap in the rockaroo or the bounceroo, you love to stare at your zebra, and your favorite place to be is wrapped to mom! 

new tricks: You're our first binky baby! so as far as i'm concerned, keeping a binky in your mouth is totally a trick! 


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