Baylor Boone is 5!

Baylor Boone is 5!

It's wild to think that our once tiny little baby has grown into a FIVE year old, in what feels like the blink of an eye. I've been sharing his birth story & memories of his first days over the last week and it has me feeling all sorts of emotions as he continues to grow at what feels like warp speed. It's safe to say A LOT has happened in 5 years (including but not limited to 3 more kids!) and I can't help but look forward to the next 5 years and feel a bit overwhelmed!

Baylor is charming and emotional, but carries a vein of his mama's sarcasm. He's sharp & witty - just last week when we were saying our family prayers, he looked up at his auntie and said "so it looks like you've forgotten how to close your eyes" in reference to her watching him pray over our dinner. touche, my friend.

His favorite things are trucks, cars, bumpy roads (I hope this one never goes away), airports, and John Deere "sets". He loves to eat pizza, chicken, pasta, broccoli & brusell sprouts, and his favorite condiment is yellow mustard (what kid eats a hotdog with only yellow mustard?!). He loves to play baseball with his dad and just this week he learned to ride his bike without training wheels. He thinks his sisters are the greatest people on earth, and just this morning for his birthday, his wish when blowing out his candles was that he gets to be a big brother again!

He loves to think deep, and asks questions like "what does Jesus look like?", "what does it mean to die?", "why are bad guys bad, or are they just good people that do bad things?" and "why do mommys and daddys have kids?" He's on a quest for knowledge at all times and often comes out of his room at night and says he can't stop thinking. Collin taught him to sing songs to fall asleep, so most nights, you can hear him singing "John Deere Green" or "Ghostbusters" until his voice slowly fades into sleep.

Kids are fun and completely adorable, but the best part by far is that they're all so individual. It's such a joy to watch Baylor develop into a person, to come to his own conclusions and to really embrace life as he sees it. While I find myself sad that he's growing so fast, I just can't ignore how completely amazing it is to watch him grow. Motherhood is the best life.

Happy Birthday to you, Baylor Boone! We love you to the moon & back, and as big as all those tractor wheels!!

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