Winnie's Room

Winnie's Room

We have been in our house since July and though I’ve shared bits and pieces, I haven’t done a TON of house photos. Mostly because we’re going to be living here short term until we do a major remodel, so a lot of our spaces are either incomplete or just set up to function! I’ve shared the bunk room here, Norah’s room here and today, I’ll share Winnie’s room with you guys!

We went back & forth on how to arrange the kids - and decided that since B&B are the oldest and most capable of sleeping in the same room together (though some nights make me question this), we’d bunk them up and put Winnie in her own room. She’s not keen on group activity and isn’t much of a people person so this seemed to be the most logical ;)

With baby #5 on the way, we’re actually going to be a major re-org until we start construction (hopefully this fall! and then where will we live? maybe the playhouse! haha!) and bunking up all three of the big kids. I hesitated to do a nursery at first, but just felt like it was what my mama heart needed and nesting doesn’t wait for NOBODY. If you know, you know.

SO - this is Winnie’s room before her bed gets put in storage and the bunk beds get moved in to this room for awhile. I’ll update you guys along the way but I thought I’d document her happy little space before it goes away!

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