Deluxe Nachos

Deluxe Nachos

Let's taco-bout NACHOS ... I had a serious craving for delicious bar-type nachos a few weeks ago and with my current child-to-adult ratio, I won't be frequenting any bars. SO, what's a girl to do? Make them yourself! (this is the extent of my DIY...)

Also, if you're looking for "healthy" nacho options, this is sadly the wrong blog. #cheesewins

Here's the strategy:

On a baking sheet, spread one bag of tortilla chips (whichever kind you fancy)

Drizzle the chips with the sauce from a can of "Chiles in Adobo Sauce"

- Cover the chips with Mexican 4 Cheese Shredded cheese (one bag should do, but grab a second if you like EXTRA cheese!) - you may want to do two layers of chips/cheese if you're baking sheet is smaller.

Bake at 300 for 10 minutes or whenever cheese is melted

Next up: "Hot" Toppings

This is totally up to you on preference but here's what I layered on ours...

- Rotisserie chicken with taco seasoning (shred your chicken and then warm up in a skillet with taco seasoning. Set aside in fridge for a few hours to get the flavor developed)

-Corn (blacken in a skillet first)

-sliced black olives 

Top with more cheese & bake at 300 for 10 minutes or so (again, going for melted cheese here)

Finally: "Cold" Toppings


-Diced Tomatos

-Fresh Cilantro

-Cotija Cheese (or feta if you can't find cotija)

- Crema or sour cream mixed with a bit of heavy cream 

**I used a condiment bottle to drizzle the crema**

-Lime slices on the side

One tray of these serves 5-6 people perfectly. Serve up with these margaritas and you'll feel like you're on "Bachelor in Paradise" ;)


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